"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Prior Activities-Delphi Golf and Country Club Cell Tower

The Delphi Golf and Country Club along with Verizon has been granted a Special Use Permit for a 150 Foot Wireless Communications Facility (WCF). The permit was appealed and with great disappointment to the Thurston County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) the granting of the permit was affirmed.  The tower is now operational.  We encourage you to stay vigilant and informed on the hazards of these Towers.


In keeping with the rural character, unspoiled beauty of forested vistas and the risks to public health and wildlife from unnecessary harmful radiation exposure from these towers, this project is not supported by the Delphi Stewardship.


Your voice is still needed to assure that the radiation delivered from this tower and combined with surrounding towers does not become even more harmful. We are not asking for financial support. Please complete our contact information. Action is needed by all who oppose these towers.  Contact us for more details.


This is why cell towers are dangerous:


Our bodies resonate at the same level as the earth's magnetic field-10HZ.  Multiple simultaneous cellular signals will be transmitted 24 hers per day 7 days a week which may range from 696 MHz to 2.1 GHz. Each cell in our body has it's own electromagnetic field (EMF). Living close to powerful EMF's generated from cell towers is dangerous to our health. Our bodies are flooded with massive amounts of powerful microwave radiation by these towers. The waves from these towers travel for miles.


The federal regulations do not protect you from the risks associated with cell tower radiation. The FCC regulations are based strictly on thermal effects. Scientists have found that microwaves do cause DNA damage at levels found in cosmic background radiation and for this reason the maximum levels of 1000 μW/cm2 currently allowed by the FCC are 10 Quadrillion times higher (1016) than the lowest level reported to cause DNA damage and this same FCC limit is 10 Trillion times higher (1013)  than the levels of background cosmic radiation (10-10) that life on this planet has normally been exposed to. 


The damage is cumulative in our tissues and has been linked to adverse affects on our:




---Enzymes and Metabolism


Cell tower radiation has also been linked to:


---Birth defects

---Reproductive problem

---Heart conditions, and Alzheimer's.  


Wildlife Impact:

---Migratory bird strikes on the towers

---Communications towers are estimated to kill 4-5 million birds per year

---Negative correlations to breeding, nesting, roosting, and locomotion


A call to the world to address this issue----

On May 11, 2015 190 of the world's leading scientists submitted an appeal to the Secretary of the United Nations and affiliated bodies to encourage precautionary measures which would limit EMF exposures and educate the public on the health risks particularly to children and pregnant women.


Leading scientists all over the country are calling for change......


“International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, especially on our DNA. The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.” Martin Blank, PhD., Special Lecturer, Columbia University, New York USA


“While we like our electronic gadgets, the worldwide demand for these technologies of convenience only grows, as do the gargantuan profits that come from selling the devices and their services. While human health and safety continue to be dismissed by many, growing scientific evidence is showing a dark side to cell phone, WiFi, smart meter and point-to-point technologies. Migratory birds -- incredibly important to the global economy and for the ecological services they provide -- now appear to be negatively affected by non-ionizing radiation. This alarm sounds a call to action acknowledging that electromagnetic radiation is indeed a problem that needs to be addressed. "Dr. Albert Manville, Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University; Senior Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS), Emeritus/Retired; and Wildlife Consultant, WHCS LLC.,USA


“U.S. regulatory standards and international guidelines only control for short-term heating of tissue. The standards do not protect us from the low-intensity, chronic exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMF) that are common today. The scientists who signed the Appeal request that the UN and member nations protect the global human population, and animal and plant life from EMF exposures.


There has been strong support from the international scientific community for the Appeal, even among those who believe that scientists should not take public policy positions. Some have taken personal risks to sign the Appeal because this is a public health issue that affects everyone now, as well as future generations. The scientists who have signed the Appeal have published more than 2,000 peer reviewed research papers on electromagnetic fields. "Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA


For more information see our informational links page.


It is important that precedent is not set. Wireless companies will attempt to place a WCF all over our beautiful valley. Using wireless devices is certainly the right of every individual to choose. What is not and individual's choice, is to subject others on their own property to the health risks of a WCF. Individuals have alternative options for wireless services than to subject an entire community to the impacts of a WCF. Don't let this happen. Towers have been stopped all over the Country. They can be stopped here too.


Loss of Property Values:


In addition to the health and wildlife hazards, cell towers may reduce your property values. Owning rural property is often a substantial investment-- both financial and time. See the document below.    

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